Mamas Lntimate Wash Gel 150ml

Mamas Lntimate Wash Gel 150ml

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Intimate Wash Gel designed for daily hy­gie­ne of the deli­cate intima­te area. En­rich­ed with Lac­­tic Acid, Allantoin, Urea, Cha­­mo­mil­la Flo­wer Ex­tract and Peonia Al­bi­flora Root Ex­tract the Gel mois­tu­ri­zes, soothes and helps main­tain the pro­per bac­te­rial flo­ra and optimal pH of the inti­mate area.

Apply a small amount of gel on damp hand, wash gently intimate area and rin­se tho­roughly. Use daily as needed. For ex­ternal use on­ly. Keep out of reach of child­ren.

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